Quick start

Create project channel

Let's create a project channel to create a ticket for each project.

  1. Let's try typingprojectsto ROSA


    You can enter naming words after the projects.

    Example: projects sales

  2. Display the list of projects listed in Redmine

  3. Copy the project you want to register

  4. ROSA恫add project channel paste_ copied_characters

  5. The project channel will be created.

Add issue

  1. In the project channel created earlier, typeaddT Test

  2. Issue channel is created that works with Redmine issue

  3. Chatting something on this channel is reflected in your ticket

  4. You can change the attributes of an issue by entering a special command.

    For example, inpute 2.0

  5. Scheduled labor hours are reflected on Redmine

    Other special commands can be checked hereHere

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