
View Help

  1. Try typing help to ROSA!

  2. Try typing help issue to see the

  3. Each help are displayed.

View project list

  1. Try typingprojectsto ROSA.

  2. You will see a list of the projects in Redmine.

  3. If you want to narrow down the project list, use the projects search_term

  4. You can use this project identifier to create a project channel.

    If you want to create a project channel called p-aaa-123, you can use the following command add project channel p-aaa-123

  5. Project channel for aaa has been created.

Add issue channels for tickets not managed on Slack

  1. Let's assume the unmanaged issue number is 33781.

    To create an issue channel, type add issue channel 33781

  2. Issue 33781's channel has been created.

Archive of issue channels.

  1. If you change the status to a closed status on the Slack, the ticket channel is automatically archived.

    If you change the status on Redmine, the issue channel will not be closed.

    In that case, if you type archive, all the unarchived issues with closed status will be archived at once.

Settings Check/Edit

  1. You can check ROSA's settings with show setting

  2. To change Redmine's URL, change redmine url new_url

  3. To change the activity ID, you can input this code change activity id new_id

  4. To change the Redmine's API key, input the codechange redmine api key new_redmine_api_key

  5. Default due date can be changed with change due date due_date